Version Control 101: How Git and GitHub Power Your Development Workflow

Version Control 101: How Git and GitHub Power Your Development Workflow

Learn everything from basic Git commands to advanced GitHub workflows for streamlined development and collaboration

What is Git?

  • Git is an open-source, distributed version control system.

  • It’s lightweight and works on almost all operating systems.

  • Tracks and manages changes in code across collaborative projects.

History of Git

  • BitKeeper was a commercial distributed version control system (DVCS) developed in the late 1990s by Larry McVoy. It allowed Linux kernel developers to use it for free.

  • Due to a conflict over reverse-engineering, Linus Torvalds (creator of Linux) developed Git in 2005 as a free, open-source alternative to BitKeeper.

Git vs GitHub

  • Git: A version control system to track changes in code. It’s software used locally for managing repositories.

  • GitHub: A platform that hosts Git repositories online, offering collaboration tools like pull requests, issue tracking, and more.

  • GitLab: Similar to GitHub but includes built-in CI/CD tools for automation.

  • Bitbucket: A Git repository hosting platform, often integrated with Atlassian tools like Jira.

Why Git in DevOps?

  • CI/CD Pipelines: Git is crucial for creating pipelines, tagging releases, and version control in DevOps.

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): Tools like Terraform use Git to manage infrastructure configurations.

  • GitOps: Git serves as the source of truth for infrastructure, automating deployments based on repository changes.

Git Basics

Starting a Git Project

  1. Initialize Git in a project:

     git init
    • This command sets up a new Git repository in your project.
  2. Add files to staging area:

     git add <file-path>
    • Adds files to the staging area, preparing them for a commit.
  3. Commit changes:

     git commit -m "Commit message"
    • Saves changes from the staging area into the repository with a description.
  4. View commit history:

     git log
     git log --oneline
  5. Check file differences:

     git diff
  6. Track file history by line:

     git blame <file-path>
  7. Check the repository status:

     git status
    • Shows the status of files in your working directory and staging area.

Staging Area and Commits

  • Files go through these stages:Local WorkspaceStaging AreaCommitted to Repository

  • Only staged files are committed.

  • Proper commit history helps in reverting to any commit point.

Reverting to Previous Commits

  1. Reset to a commit:

     git reset --hard <commit_id>
    • Moves the head to a specific commit, removing later changes.
  2. Revert a commit (safer):

     git revert <commit_id>
    • Creates a new commit that reverses changes from a previous commit without deleting history.

Collaboration in Git

Remote Repositories

  • GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket are popular hosting services for Git repositories.

  • To connect your local repository to a remote server:

      git remote add origin <remote-url>
    • Origin is the name of the remote server (commonly used name).

Syncing Changes

  • Push local commits to a remote repository:

      git push

Authentication Methods: HTTPS vs SSH

  1. HTTPS:

    • Uses Personal Access Tokens (PAT) for authentication.

    • Simple setup but requires entering credentials unless cached.

  2. SSH:

    • More secure, using public and private keys.

    • Once set up, it doesn’t require credentials for every operation.

Check remote URL type:

    git remote -v

Branching in Git

Why Branching?

  • Branches allow multiple developers to work in parallel without affecting the main codebase.

  • Each branch represents an independent line of development.

Common Branching Commands

  1. Create a new branch:

     git branch <branch-name>
  2. Switch to a branch:

     git checkout <branch-name>
  3. Push a branch to the remote repository:

     git push --set-upstream origin <branch-name>

Merging Branches

  1. Merge a remote branch:

     git merge origin/<branch-name>
    • Merges changes from the remote branch into your current branch.
  2. Merge locally and push:

     git checkout master
     git merge <branch-name>
     git push origin master

Remote Merge and Pull Workflow

  1. Merge remotely using a Pull Request:

    • Merge the branch on the remote platform (e.g., GitHub) using a Pull Request.
  2. Pull changes locally:

     git pull origin master
    • Updates your local master with the latest changes from the remote repository.

Best Practices in Git

  • Make frequent, meaningful commits: A separate commit for each functionality keeps the history clean.

  • Use branches for features: Develop each feature on a separate branch to keep the main branch stable.

  • Write descriptive commit messages: This makes the history easy to follow.

  • Avoid large commits: Commit smaller, focused changes for better tracking and rollback options.